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2024 Event Schedule

Event date and times are updated as soon as organizers post them. Some dates may be projected based on previous years schedules. (?) Denotes dates that have not been posted by the organizers yet.
March 9th
Cape Cod St. Patrick's parade
Intersection of Long Pond & Route 28 Yarmouth
March 16th
Annual Kilted Crawl
Join us in downtown Plymouth for the Kilted Krawl. We'll be playing around at all your favorite pubs! Check out the details on facebook, and let us know if you're coming!
March 17th
Abington St. Patrick's Day Parade
Abington, MA: Check out the parade details on facebook
April 15th
Lexington Patriots Day Parade
April 20th
NH Indoor Games
May 5th
Brewster In Bloom Parade
Main Street, Brewster, MA
See all the other blooming things in Brewster
May 23rd
Cape Cod Community College Commencement
Cape Cod Melody Tent, West End Rotary, Hyannis
May 26th
Nantucket Memorial Day Parade
Nantucket, MA
July 4th 9:00 AM
Chatham Independence Day Parade
Main Street, Chatham, MA
The best way to celebrate your 4th
July 20th
Osterville Village Parade
Aug 17th
Glasgow Lands Highland Games COMPETITION
Aug 17th
Maine Highland Games COMPETITION
Aug 24th
Quechee Vermont COMPETITION
Polo Grounds, Quechee, VT
September 8th
Eastham Windmill Parade
Route 6A, Eastham, MA
Make it a weekend, and don't get blown away by the windmill
Sept 20-22
Loon Mountain Highland Games COMPETITION
Loon Mountain, NH
November 11th
New Bedford Veterans Day Parade
New Bedford, MA
November 23rd
America's hometown celebration parade
Court Street, Plymouth, MABagpipes, Turkey's and a whole lot of friends!